

What You Need to Know

  • Regularly moisturise your scalp up to 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Make sure any cuts and abrasions have healed before your treatment.
  • Please arrive 10 minutes early to your session to allow for time to shave your head.


What You Need to Know

  • Apply Micro Tonic immediately after your SMP treatment, then use Scalp Pro wash and Salve for optimal results.
  • Do not apply RetinA or antibiotic creams for at least two weeks after treatment. We want to make sure your new scalp has healed.
  • Don’t scratch your head! If itching occurs, gently tap your scalp. This should resolve on its own.
  • Do not carry out activities that may cause heavy sweating for 4 days after treatment, including the sauna or steam room.
  • Swimming in saltwater is okay after 24 hours, but no swimming in chlorinated pools for at least a week. The pool can wait!
  • Keep your new scalp covered and away from the sun. Be sure to wear a hat for two weeks after treatment, then use 50 plus sunscreen (as always) when in the sun.
  • Moisturise your scalp daily with Microbalm or another natural moisturiser to maintain your SMP and pro-long the treatment. Use Alcohol and sulphate free to wash your scalp to avoid prematurely fading your SMP.

Signs & Symptoms of Infection

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please seek immediate medical assistance.

  • Swelling is normal to a degree; however, if it becomes excessive and painful beyond the tattoo site, this could be a sign of infection.
  • Fevers can be a symptom of an underlying issue, which might be an infection. If any of these signs are present, please seek medical help.